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Moscow State University
Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics

Master level course

Object Databases

Professor Leonid A. Kalinichenko

General Description Of The Course

The course is devoted to database object modeling related to the interoperation technologies and heterogeneous database integration. Object models and object-relational models are considered according to the database standards (such as ODMG 3.0 and SQL1999). Object Database Management Group (ODMG) object model is considered in details. Basic notions of object-relational models are introduced. Main concepts of three object database manifestos are considered and compared. Distributed heterogeneous database systems integration and interoperability are considered. Canonical object model for heterogeneous multidatabase integration systems is presented. Significant part of the course is devoted to the issues of the uniform representation of heterogeneous database models in a canonical paradigm. Such representation is required in process of the semantically integrated information system design. The approaches are given in frame of the denotational semantics as well as in frame of formal specification models and the concept of refinement.

Subject mediator infrastructure is considered as an advanced technology of heterogeneous multidatabase integration. The mediator's layer is introduced to provide the users with the metainformation uniformly characterizing subject definitions in the canonical information model. This model is needed to express the structure and semantics of a subject domain and to map into this model heterogeneous information resources preserving information and operations. The canonical information model for the mediator, a technique for information resources semantic registration in the mediator and query rewriting technique is overviewed.

Optional part of the course is devoted to the modern issues of component-based development of workflows treated as interactive types. An overview of the workflow models is given. The canonical workflow model is outlined. An approach for mapping of heterogeneous workflow models to the common paradigm is considered. Finally, an approach for workflow design based on reuse of pre-existing workflow specifications is given.

Structure of the course

Basic concepts: subtype and type composition

Object database manifestos

Propositions of the third (object-relational) manifesto and their analysis

ODMG object database standard

  • ODMG standard history
  • Middleware and ODBMS
  • Types and objects in ODL of ODMG 3.0
  • Attributes and relationships
  • Structured objects and literals
  • Comparison with the OMG model
  • ODMG object query language

SQL1999 standard overview

  • Abstract data types in SQL 1999
  • Objects, object tables and reference types
  • Operation execution over the object tables

Canonical Object Model

  • Purposes of the canonical model
  • Object model concepts, frame system
  • Type system
  • Class representation facilities
  • Assertion specifications
  • Information resource specification modules
  • Object calculus formulas

Data model mapping technique

  • Data model mapping issues
  • Data metamodels (denotational semantics, AMN as the metamodel)
  • An approach for heterogeneous data models integration
  • Commutative data model mapping construction
  • Mapping of the network data model into extended relational one

Subject mediation for object database integration

  • Information resources registration at the subject mediator
  • Query rewriting principles
  • Mediation architecture

A Uniform Script-Based Multiactivity Framework

  • Basic notions of workflows
  • Script types as canonical specification model for the workflow-like behaviour
  • Homogenizing specification of various kinds of dynamic behaviour
  • Capturing of structural aspects of multiactivity modeling
  • Mapping of pre-existing workflow specifications into the canonical model

Workflow Component-Based Design

  • Basic notions of process algebras, bisimulation
  • Script processes and refinement of scripts
  • Script type reducts and conformances
  • Process of script design with reuse
Supported by Synthesis Group