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Workflow Reuse and Semantic Interoperation Issues

Workflow Reuse and Semantic Interoperation Issues.

Author(s): Kalinichenko L.A.
Published:Workflow management systems and interoperability / Ed. by A.Dogac, L.Kalinichenko, M.T. Ozsu, A.Sheth. (NATO ASI series. Series F, Computer and systems sciences; vol. 164): Proc. of the NATO Advanced Study Institute of Workflow Management Systems (WFMS). -- Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1998. -- P. 439--490.
Workflow specification is a complex construct highly integrated (correlated) with specifications of other types. Designing a workflow we should consider semantics of workflow objects and objects related to them in an integrated way.

Reusable components are treated semantically interoperable in context of a specific application. For components and for specification of requirements canonical object model semantics and ontological semantics are considered jointly to provide complete specifications.

In frame of complete specifications, a notion of the most common reduct for a pair of type specifications is introduced as the basis for detection of reusable fragments. This notion is based on a refinement technique. An approach for component-based design with reuse is outlined.

The multiactivity (workflow) canonical specification framework is defined. The notion of workflow refinement is based on systematic analysis of functional and concurrent workflow specification properties merging conventional well grounded specification refinement technique with determining of process bisimulation equivalence.

A simple example showing a uniform representation of heterogeneous workflow specifications in the canonical model is introduced. The example is used to show how common workflow reducts can be identified and composed in process of the information system development.

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