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Designing Personalized Digital Libraries over Web-sites with Semistructured Data.
Author(s): | Kalinichenko L.A., Skvortsov N.A., Briukhov D.O., Kravchenko D.V., Chaban I.A. |
Created: | 2000/03/01 |
Published: | Programming and Computer Software. -- Moscow: MAIK Nauka / Interperiodica, 2000. -- V. 26, N. 3. -- P. 123-133.; Proc. of the First Russian Conference on Digital Libraries RCDL'99. -- St.-Petrsburg: St.-Petrsburg University, 1999. -- P. 75--84. (In Russian) |
Abstract: | |
Issues concerning the design of personalized digital libraries over collections of semistructured data available on the Web are considered. The approach suggested makes it possible to design libraries adjusted to the personal needs of information users that place various requirements upon the contents and representation of information. The digital library is designed as a composition of fragments of web-sites. In this paper a method for the compositional design of information systems is applied to semistructured data on the Web. This method was developed at the Institute for Problems of Informatics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPI RAS). The design procedure is applied to designing a library over two web-sites containing data about registered patents. |
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