Three decades ago, the Data Bank Task Group
(DBTG) was created within the USSR State Committee
for Science and Technology (SCST). Initially, the
DBTG was part of the Interdisciplinary science and
technology commission on computer software, but was
later (in 1984) granted independent status as the USSR
SCST Science and Technology Commission on Data
Banks. This commission continued to operate until
1987. However, among the members of the commission
and the wide circle of experts involved in its work, the
commission has always been referred to unofficially by
the name of its predecessor, the DBTG.
The DBTG was created with the aims of promoting
the advancement of database technologies in the development
of Russian information systems, coordinating
work on the development of software for databases,
providing professional consultancy and expertise in the
development of database systems, and establishing and
expanding contacts with foreign scientific centers and
other organizations working in the field of database
technologies. |