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Homogeneous localization of structural interactivity dependencies

Homogeneous localization of structural interactivity dependencies in megaprograms using scripts.

Author(s): Kalinichenko L.A.
Published:Proc. of the International Workshop on Advances in Databases and Information Systems ADBIS'94. -- Moscow: Institute for Problems of Informatics of the Russian Academy of Science, 1994. -- P. 34--48.
The issues of refinement of the information system activity (workflow) specifications by the pre-existing heterogeneous information resource behavior patterns are discussed. The proposed approach is considered to be a part of the semantic interoperation reasoning framework. The twodimensionally uniform multiactivity specification  is assumed. The technique is developed and used in frame of the SYNTHESIS project.

A chunk-based model is proposed to abstract the structural aspects of the multiactivity specifications. Chunk is a code of a piece of an activity between "significant events" (such as termination of the current action, spawning of another (child or the same level) action or chunk, aborting of the current or a child action). On such call/return events (controlled by chunk junction) specific control depending on the multiactivity model may be applied. So, component activity is abstracted as a sequence of chunks with significant events in between. Chunkpack is a sequence of chunks separated by call/return of the components (actions and chunkpacks).

Chunk junctions ( Generic Intercomponent Control Modules (GICM)) accumulate facilities for proper interpretation of significant events preserving interactivity dependencies defined for a specific multiactivity model. Using these simple abstractions, a multilayered structure can be specified where on each layer several chunkpacks may be located. In a nested case each two adjacent layers are parent layer and its direct child layer so that on the top level only one chunkpack is located.

A chunkpack is conveniently represented by hierarchical scripts where the chunk junctions reflecting the specific features of a particular multiactivity (multitransaction) model are defined by the child scripts generated from one generic script once designed for each specific multiactivity model. The generation consists in providing of parameters for the generic script to communicate with concrete chunks and to call a child chunkpack and its compensation actions (if such child is required).

Chunk model provides for decomposition of the multiactivity concretization problem into subproblems for which the general function concretization methodology could become applicable. Such decomposition is based on the principles of isolation of pure functional behavior, structural localization of concurrency control in GICM, concurrency specification abstraction for particular multiactivity models.

Application of these principles leads to the creation of general framework of the multiactivity concretization by the pre-existing multiactivity behaviors.

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