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Extension of Compositional Information Systems Development for the Web Services

Extension of Compositional Information Systems Development for the Web Services Platform.

Author(s): Briukhov D.O., Kalinichenko L.A., Tyurin I.N.
Published:Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc. of the 7th East European Conference. LNCS 2798. -- Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2003. -- P. 16--29.
The use of Web services on the World Wide Web is expanding rapidly to make applications interoperable in information systems (IS). Web services providing interfaces to information and software components are convenient entities for producing their compositions having Web service appearances. At the same time, most large scale enterprise solutions that are deployed today are composed of a combination of different technologies that go together to compose many diverse applications. An approach for compositional information systems development in a multi-technological framework including Web service components is discussed. This paper proposes to extend the SYNTHESIS method for compositional information systems development (CISD) to the world of Web services. The CISD method is intended for correct composition of existing components semantically interoperable in the context of a specific application. Originally, the CISD method has been developed for the object-oriented platforms (like CORBA, RMI, J2EE). In the CISD, an ontological model and canonical object model (the SYNTHESIS language) are used for the unified representation of the new application (specification of requirements) and of the pre-existing components. Discovery of components relevant to the application and producing their compositions is provided in frame of the domain ontology and the canonical object model. To apply the CISD method for Web services, the mapping of WSDL specifications into the canonical model is required. The basic steps of the approach for the information system compositional development applying Web services are demonstrated.
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