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Mapping the XML Data Model into the Object Model of the SYNTHESIS Language

Mapping the XML Data Model into the Object Model of the SYNTHESIS Language.

Author(s): Osipov M.A., Machulski O.L., Kalinichenko L.A.
Published:Programming and Computer Software. -- Moscow: MAIK Nauka / Interperiodica, 2000. -- V. 26, N. 4. -- P. 192--198.; Proc. of the First Russian Conference on Digital Libraries RCDL'99. -- St.-Petrsburg: St.-Petrsburg University, 1999. -- P. 64--69. (In Russian)
Mapping of structures of the documents in XML format to SYNTHESIS canonical data model is considered. The structre of XML documents is described by the Document Type Definition (DTD). The SYNTHESIS specifications are constructed from the DTD specifications. So that each declaration of elements in DTD is mapped to type in SYNTHESIS language.
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