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Component-based information systems development tool

Component-based information systems development tool supporting the SYNTHESIS design method.

Author(s): Briukhov D.O., Kalinichenko L.A.
Published:Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc. of the Second East European Symposium. LNCS 1475. -- Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1998. -- P. 305--327.
An approach intended to fill in the gap between the existing Object Analysis and Design (OAD) methods applying mostly top-down technique and the demand of the middleware architectures (OMG CORBA) for the information system development based on composition of pre-existing interoperating components is discussed. An overview of the SYNTHESIS method for component-based interoperable information systems design is presented. The heuristic procedure for the most common reduct construction for a pair of ontologically relevant type specifications is outlined. The refinement property of the common reduct leads to a justifiable identification of reusable component fragments. The process of design is based on such identification driven by ontologically relevant pairs of types. The common reducts discovered are composed further to construct specifications serving as concretizations of the required types. The structure and functions of the design tool supporting the SYNTHESIS method and a process of design under the tool are considered.
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