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Rule-based Multi-dialect Infrastructure

Rule-based Multi-dialect Infrastructure for Conceptual Problem Solving over Heterogeneous Distributed Information Resources.

Author(s): Kalinichenko L. A., Stupnikov S. A., Vovchenko E. A., Kovalev D. Y.
Published:New Trends in Databases and Information Systems. Selected Papers of the 17th European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems and Associated Satellite Events. – Springer, 2013. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, V. 241. – P. 61-68.
An approach for applying a combination of the semantically di erent rule-based languages for interoperable conceptual programming over various rule-based systems (RS) and relying on the logic program transformation technique recommended by the W3C Rule Interchange Format (RIF) is presented. Such approach is coherently combined with the heterogeneous data base integration applying semantic rule media- tion. The basic functions of the infrastructure implementing the multi- dialect conceptual speci cations by the interoperable RS and mediator programs are de ned. The references to the detailed description of the infrastructure application for solving complex combinatorial problem are given. The research results show the usability of the approach and of the infrastructure for declarative, resource independent and re-usable data analysis in various application domains.
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