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Conceptual modeling in database technologies and ontological models

Conceptual modeling in database technologies and ontological models.

Author(s): Kogalovskiy M.R., Kalinichenko L. A.
Published:Ontological Modeling/Ed. by L.A. Kalinichenko: Proc. of the Workshop. -- M.: IPI RAN, 2008. -- P. 114-148.
Problems and premises for conceptual modeling of applications domains in the database technology are discussed. Principles of the ANSI/X3/SPARC database system multilevel architecture (“three schema technology”), that determined the formation of database design methodology the necessary initial phase of which constitutes the conceptual modeling of application domain and synthesis of the database conceptual schema explicitly represented and supported by the DBMS facilities. The well known approaches to conceptual modeling in database technology and based on them language facilities that are called the conceptual data models are discussed, different interpretations of database conceptual schema roles are discussed, the state of instruments for conceptual modeling developed by the software and database industries is evaluated. Correlation between database conceptual schemas and ontologies is analyzed, their similarities and differences are characterized. Some terminological difficulties as well as directions of research in the area of conceptual modeling are considered. Extensive literature is provided.

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